Welcome to the Danish Meteorological Institute's (DMI) Open Data API.
Our Open Data API's provide free and open access to DMI’s data. Here you can find all the information you need to register as a user and start using the API. You can also access information on data sources as well as the OpenAPI specification of the API's.
Please also visit www.DMI.dk/friedata
¶ December 18th 10:15 CET: Our cloud provider is currently experiencing network bandwidth issues which causes instabilities in the Open data APIs. They are working on resolving the issue.
Update January 10th 16:40 CET: We have temporarily limited the Forecast data EDR API down to 1 request pr. 10 seconds to maintain operational stability of the Forecast Data STAC API. If this limitation is not enough, request limit will be decreased further or the Forecast Data EDR API will be shut off.
However, the Forecast Data STAC API will still be available.
Update January 6th 11:23 CET: DMI is still experiencing bandwidth issues and want to assure you that our Cloud provider is actively working at full capacity to resolve the situation.
To reduce bandwidth use on our Cloud provider, we will soon implement a change, so that download links in the Forecast data API service for some models will point to a different location (on host download.dmi.dk). If your integration follows the link in the feature response (asset/data/href), your integration should not have to change.Update January 13th 9:30 CET: We plan to implement above download.dmi.dk location for the HARMONIE DINI SF model at Wednesday 15th 12:00 CET. Should there be any problems we will of course roll-back to current state. See Release_Notes or this page for updates.
Update January 15th 12:00 CET: New files in the HARMONIE DINI SF model is located at download.dmi.dk from now on. Follow the link in the feature at asset/data/href for location. We are monitoring the APIs and will evaluate next steps.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we address this matter. We really apologize for this situation.